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Grower Contracts

The Module

The Grower Contracts Module is for wineries with a large number of grape purchase contracts. Robust features include:

  • Contracts by grower, year and variety

  • Contract pricing and costing options

    • Delivered price per ton

    • Per acre pricing

    • Vineyard block pricing

    • Average brix pricing

    • Brix range pricing including penalties and bonuses

    • Unlimited contract price revisions

    • Contract overrun pricing

    • User defined bonuses by ton or flat rate

    • User defined deductions by ton, flat rate or per $1,000

    • Freight & haulage allowances by location

    • Roadside freight

  • Harvest scheduling

  • Field sampling

  • Delivery tags

  • Inspector sampling

  • Contract liability visibility

  • Deliveries on contract

  • Pre/post harvest cash flow visibility

  • Global contract updates by contract class

  • Contract costs update crushing work orders

  • Grower delivery and remittance advice

  • Payments

  • Automated emailed reports for growers and winery

  • California state crush report

  • Financial Management interface


Grower contracts are a global feature for wineries that have more than one Bonded Winery. Each Grower may have multiple contracts, with contract terms defined for unlimited grape varieties and vintage years. Grower contracts, grape receipts and payments are associated. The contract detail includes the pricing structure, which determines the price of every grape receipt.


The system captures haulage fees, broker fees, roadside freight and state inspection fees as part of the pricing calculation. User defined fees may be established and utilized on a per ton, per $1,000 or flat dollar amount.


The grower payments are calculated automatically according to receipt data and the contract year, variety and block. Revisions to grape receipts allow for re-calculation of contract payments and grape costs.


The contract payment system issues checks, remittance advice reports and statements. Advance payments and manual checks are also supported. An inquiry of grower payables in detail or summary is available as are aging reports and cash flow views of liabilities. An interface to the Vintners Advantage Financial Management module is provided.

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Eugene, OR 97404

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